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Concord rod & gun club


Our Trap Field has been called one of the finest and most picturesque trap fields in Massachusetts. It features 5 shooting stations plus a voice-activated release system. What you can also experience here is what makes our trap activities so unique: our decidedly social nature, a reflection of the town in which our club resides. 
On any given Sunday from April through September, you will find first-time shooters on the trap line next to veterans with decades of trap experience. Shooters of all ages are, of course, welcome. Here even youngsters with a parent in attendance will find a safe and comfortable place to learn the exciting sport of trap.

Watch a video of club Trap here.

We also have several teams that compete in the Greater Lowell Trap League. These teams also have youth members.

All members and non-members are invited to join us to shoot on Sundays 1pm-3pm from April 7th through September 29th (2024).


Cost per round:

For Members - $4 or punch card with 6 rounds for $20
For Non-members - $5 or punch card with 5 rounds for $20

Non-members may redeem their punch cards for $5 credit (each) toward the club membership initiation fee!
  • Credit is good for 1 year from the date of issue at the time of payment of the initiation fee
  • Credit may only be used by the recipient named on the card
  • Cards may be accumulated and used together for up to 100% of the initiation fee

Eye and ear protection required. Target loads shot size #7.5-#9 only.

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